Nevertheless, She Persisted

Senator Elizabeth Warren used her Freedom of Speech and was censored. Nevertheless, she persisted. We will look at Elizabeth Warren’s example as just another in the hypocrisy that is the expectation of a woman. We will then honor some of the ancestors who came before her, who also dealt with the same hypocrisy, and who thrived. Who persisted. 

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Sunday Supplement in the Chapel: Ranked Choice Voting

After the service, starting at 11:00 a.m., there will be a supplement in the chapel with a representative from The California Ranked Choice Voting Coalition. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors is considering the use of Ranked Choice Voting for county elections.Elections for county offices are usually decided by low-turnout primaries where the voters are not representative of the whole electorate. RCV would move the decision to the general election where the electorate is larger and more diverse, plus it would eliminate vote splitting and encourage more positive, issue-focused campaigns. The Board of Supervisors may decide this issue in August.
