The Board of Trustees, on behalf of the Fellowship, has general charge of the property of the Fellowship, the conduct of all its business affairs, and the control of the administration.

Board Members

Karen Enz, Board President
Anita Herrmann
Corinne Blankenship
Denise Kato
Krista Galyen
Richard New
Demyn Plantenberg


Karen Enz, President
Anita Herrmann, Vice President
Corinne Blankenship, Secretary
Ginger Wolnik, Treasurer


Building Fund

The Building Fund Committee serves as the custodian for the Building Fund, ensuring its protection over the long term. (See Article XVI of our Bylaws.)


The Facilities Committee helps the Board with negotiating our Facilities lease with the landlord. This includes lease amendments and lease renewals. Contact


The Finance Committee assists the Board with oversight of the Fellowship’s finances while fostering transparency and building confidence within the congregation. The committee provides reports to the Board for approval of the following: annual vision budget, securing insurance policy for the church, and arranging annual audit of financial records. Contact


The Governance Committee acts as a resource to the Fellowship in support of good governance. Contact


The Committee on Ministry assesses the health of all the ministries of the congregation as well as a support group for the Minister.


The Nominating Committee operates January through May and presents a slate of candidates for election to the Board of Trustees. The committee consists of three members of the Fellowship who are eligible to vote and who are not members of the Board. (See Article IX of our Bylaws.)

UUFS Governance Model

In June 2017, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Sunnyvale adopted a “Mission-Based Governance” model after completing a successful one-year trial run. The model is outlined in the book Governance and Ministry: Rethinking Board Leadership by Dan Hotchkiss (Alban Institute, 2016).

The presentation titled Overview of Our Governance Model provides background and definition of terms on the following graphic from the Hotchkiss book:

Our UUFS organization chart maps to the following governance model. Click on each image to see a larger version.