
Dear Families and Congregants, Freedom is our watchword at UUFS in July. Participants in the Sunday Morning Children’s Program will be at liberty to play outside with wet and messy substances banned during the colder months inside. That means bubbles and sprayers and sandcastles–hooray for summer! Free expression will play a role, too, as we … Continue reading Freedom

Summer Renewal

Dear Families and Congregants, June’s theme is renewal. This is the season in Religious Education to appreciate the learning and development of children and youth during the past church year and to recommit ourselves to a sunny future of awakenings, realizations, understandings, and deepening spiritual awareness. Re-energized, children in the Sunday Morning program will explore … Continue reading Summer Renewal


On July 18, 2024 the world, for the most part, grounded to a halt. Any computer running Microsoft Windows displayed “the blue screen of death.” Air Travel, hospitals, and law enforcement were greatly affected. I myself, along with several other flight crews, were stuck in Vancouver, B.C. for 13 hours! Tensions were high and folks … Continue reading Interdependence


Dear Families and Congregants, Back-to-school season is a time for new beginnings at church, too. The summer months offered Ms Leah and me an opportunity to design a 2024-2025 calendar of experiences and activities for children to learn about themselves and others and the world we share. This will be our second year implementing the … Continue reading Invitation


Dear Families and Congregants, I am happy to report on recent successful endeavors in RE that UUFS folks will be able to participate in again this month. On a lovely Tuesday evening in June, Cora and Julianna Walker, their mom Clara, and myself, along with another local parent and his son, lent a hand in … Continue reading Heritage

Liberty vs. Freedom

What does it mean to have liberty vs. freedom? I always thought the two words were interchangeable synonyms of one another, but that’s not necessarily true. “Liberty emphasizes the importance of individual rights and the limitations of government power, while freedom is more focused on the ability of individuals to pursue their own interests.” (from … Continue reading Liberty vs. Freedom

Experiencing Joy

Today I’m sitting in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, enjoying a much-needed respite from a very busy week. I’m struck at all the families who are here celebrating various personal achievements and holidays, such as birthdays and anniversaries. My family itself is here celebrating two birthdays and a wedding anniversary! It has been fun interacting with people … Continue reading Experiencing Joy

The Gateway Arch

I just returned from a fantastic trip to St. Louis, Missouri (of all places). The last time I got a chance to really enjoy this city was during the tail-end of the COVID-19 pandemic, so a lot of experiences were closed, including the Gateway Arch. I got to explore the museum, which was free and … Continue reading The Gateway Arch


Pluralism is the next term expressing a Unitarian Universalist value to study this year. We’ll kick off the month’s theme with the simple but profound recognition that different people may see the same thing differently. Children in the Sunday morning program will compare what they each see in pictures that viewers tend to perceive in … Continue reading Pluralism


Children in the Sunday Morning Program will continue learning about our faith tradition’s values in April. Next up: interdependence, which Unitarian Universalists embrace as a source of strength. The draft of the UUA’s new statement of purpose puts it this way: “With reverence for the great web of life and with humility, we acknowledge our … Continue reading Interdependence