Archives: Services

Why Democracy Matters

Join us in person in the Sanctuary or on Zoom → How We Got a Democracy and Why We Should Keep It. Dr. Samuel Knapp will explore how our democracy in the United States originated and evolved, what our UU principles say about democracy, and how democracy benefits all citizens. Meeting ID: 958 336 … Continue reading Why Democracy Matters


Join us in person in the Sanctuary or on Zoom → Fête National, or Quatorze Juillet, is a national holiday in France, remarkably similar to how we as Americans celebrate the Fourth of July. Here in the United States we celebrate it as Bastille Day. Why is this day so important, specifically to the … Continue reading [R]evolution

Universal-ish (author: Rev. Lóre Stevens)

Lore Stevens’ service explores “…The way our religious ancestors understood the world.”  She examines aspects of religion, God, love, and Unitarian Universalism, and what it means to “side with love.” Join us in person in the Sanctuary or on Zoom → Meeting ID: 958 336 800 One tap mobile+16694449171,,958336800# US+16699009128,,958336800# US (San Jose)

Pride, Before the Fall

Join us in person in the Sanctuary or on Zoom → June is Pride month, and it’s a celebration of all things queer and fabulous… but there is a darker side to Pride that many of you might not be aware of. Pride is a celebration, sure, but it was also a memorial of … Continue reading Pride, Before the Fall