At the start of February, Punxsutawney Phil, that ubiquitous groundhog known for his “uncanny” weather predictions, prophesied that this year in 2024 we’re going to have an early spring. Regardless of Phil’s predictions, we’ve been deluged with precipitation, with what some have perceived as higher than normal rainfall. It’s important to remember that while Punxsutawney Phil is adorable, he is also only right 30-40% of the time! In reality, we’re returning to a normal weather pattern for the area, and with that we’re close to 98% of normal expected rain. It’s odd to think of this as normal, because we Californians got used to drier years and hotter weather. It’s all a matter of perception, isn’t it? We become accustomed to a change, and that becomes our norm, and now that we’re experiencing what was the norm, and we must adjust again. The old becomes the new normal. The same can be said about community leadership – the fellowship was operated a particular way for a long time, you had to pivot because of both a pandemic and a change in leadership. Your community has realized that it is vibrant, can be flexible, and has experienced growth; but the truth is that this energy was with you all along. My excitement is that I get to continue to shepherd this change with you, because the Board has decided to renew my contract with you for another year. Let’s bring this renewed energy into our upcoming Pledge Drive, and let’s keep up with our vision of what we see for this community’s growth and future!