Good Enough

Singer Alanis Morrisette wrote in the foreword of the book No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz that “…in my internal world, I encountered my own murderous rage, my shame, terrors, depression, aches and yearnings, humiliations, and grief… there were equally ‘light’ or ‘good’ parts that also required my courage to open to the visionary parts; the generous parts; the intelligent parts; the leadership parts; the gifted, sensitive, empathic parts.” Let’s talk about all the parts!

Children’s Sunday Morning Program (9:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)
This week, we will kick off the month’s theme, and UU value, of pluralism with an adventure in optical illusions. Children in the Sunday Morning program will see, with their own eyes, that everyone doesn’t view the same thing in the same way they do.

Please click here for the Order of Service.