OWL and Transformation

I am happy to announce the arrival this month of an Our Whole Lives (OWL) program to our community. UUFS is collaborating with the UU Fellowship of Los Gatos to bring comprehensive sexuality education to area children. The UUA developed the OWL curriculum in conjunction with the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination 25 years … Continue reading OWL and Transformation

What is “normal”?

At the start of February, Punxsutawney Phil, that ubiquitous groundhog known for his “uncanny” weather predictions, prophesied that this year in 2024 we’re going to have an early spring. Regardless of Phil’s predictions, we’ve been deluged with precipitation, with what some have perceived as higher than normal rainfall. It’s important to remember that while Punxsutawney … Continue reading What is “normal”?