Today I’m sitting in Disney’s Animal Kingdom, enjoying a much-needed respite from a very busy week. I’m struck at all the families who are here celebrating various personal achievements and holidays, such as birthdays and anniversaries. My family itself is here celebrating two birthdays and a wedding anniversary! It has been fun interacting with people from all around the world as Walt Disney World caters to a good number of international travelers. We’ve all been wishing each other “happy birthday,” or “happy anniversary!” It’s a wonderful sense of community and a way to share joy with one another.
My question to you is: how do you share or celebrate joy? Not to sound maudlin but find those little moments of joy to celebrate for yourself. Find your tribe that celebrates with you! Chosen family can be just as important as biological. These small acknowledgments truly brighten the heart and lessen the burden on our souls (assuming you believe in one), if we take this time to acknowledge the good that’s in our lives.
“Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced.” – Søren Kierkegaard