Author: UUFS Religious Education

Summer Renewal

Dear Families and Congregants, June’s theme is renewal. This is the season in Religious Education to appreciate the learning and development of children and youth during the past church year and to recommit ourselves to a sunny future of awakenings, realizations, understandings, and deepening spiritual awareness. Re-energized, children in the Sunday Morning program will explore … Continue reading Summer Renewal


Pluralism is the next term expressing a Unitarian Universalist value to study this year. We’ll kick off the month’s theme with the simple but profound recognition that different people may see the same thing differently. Children in the Sunday morning program will compare what they each see in pictures that viewers tend to perceive in … Continue reading Pluralism


Children in the Sunday Morning Program will continue learning about our faith tradition’s values in April. Next up: interdependence, which Unitarian Universalists embrace as a source of strength. The draft of the UUA’s new statement of purpose puts it this way: “With reverence for the great web of life and with humility, we acknowledge our … Continue reading Interdependence

OWL and Transformation

I am happy to announce the arrival this month of an Our Whole Lives (OWL) program to our community. UUFS is collaborating with the UU Fellowship of Los Gatos to bring comprehensive sexuality education to area children. The UUA developed the OWL curriculum in conjunction with the United Church of Christ (UCC) denomination 25 years … Continue reading OWL and Transformation