Deep Listening

The framework for our activities and reflections in the Children’s Sunday Morning Community this year is the Practices of Our Faith. That means doing things to make meaning. So what will we be doing in October? Listening–hearing our inner voices and marginalized voices, immersing ourselves in the soundscape of the natural world, even lending an ear to others’ perspectives. Who can’t use a lesson or two in the art of listening, no matter their age? Stay tuned for the results of our exploits amid the airwaves this month. I am also happy to report that the second series of workshops in our new Our Whole Lives sexuality education program is underway with a roster of 4th and 5th graders from our own
fellowship, the UU Fellowship of Los Gatos, and the wider community. Special thanks go to Joshua Levy for serving as the site coordinator representing UUFS in this inter-congregational endeavor, as well as Ursula Syrova, who is assisting him in that role. When the generations meet in the sanctuary on
the last Sunday of October, costumes are encouraged, of course. Having learned about traditions associated with the pagan holiday of Samhain as well as Halloween, children will go door-to-door in the Community First School building seeking treats from the RE teachers. During the Story for All Ages concluding this month of listening, we’ll all attend to the voice of an author who celebrates Dia de Los Muertos. Let us open our ears and our hearts in the coming weeks.