The Book Group typically meets on the fourth Thursday of the month from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. from January through October. On the third Thursday of November we meet to share poetry. This group has spirited discussions of books, both fiction and nonfiction, nominated by those who attend.

We meet in a member’s home with a Zoom option by request at least one day prior. Email to request a Zoom option, join us, or be added to our Google Group.

What We Are Reading

Our September book is Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, available at Leigh’s Favorite Books with a 50% buyback option. Our October book is Trail of the Lost: The Relentless Search to Bring Home the Missing Hikers of the Pacific Crest Trail by Andrea Lankford. Both books are available from local libraries and from Leigh’s Favorite Books with a 50% buyback option.

Looking ahead:

  • November: We meet on the third Thursday and share poetry.
  • December: We may have a holiday party in early December and read aloud a Christmas story. The meeting date would be announced in the December newsletter and on the Events Calendar.
  • January: Our January book is the highly acclaimed The Way We Live Now by Anthony Trollope. We encourage you to start reading it by the beginning of November, as it is a lengthy novel. It is available from the Cupertino Library, from for <$9 (new), and from

Interested in seeing what we have read and discussed in the past? Please take a look at our past titles.