Speaker: Rev. John Bloom-Ramirez

TMI – Too Much Information

In the world we live in, we are being inundated with technology. It’s not a new problem, but an evolution of a consistent issue. How do we experience renewal of spirit when we are experiencing “information overload?” Children’s Sunday Morning Program, 9:15-11:30 At this midway point between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, participants in the … Continue reading TMI – Too Much Information

Good Enough

Singer Alanis Morrisette wrote in the foreword of the book No Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz that “…in my internal world, I encountered my own murderous rage, my shame, terrors, depression, aches and yearnings, humiliations, and grief… there were equally ‘light’ or ‘good’ parts that also required my courage to open to the visionary parts; … Continue reading Good Enough