Our Teams provide needed support to the Fellowship and welcome volunteers. Our team members take satisfaction in their active support of UUFS.

We also have one-off opportunities, such as:

  • Passing the basket during a church service: Stop by the Welcome Table before the service begins to volunteer.
  • Bringing a treat for the coffee hour, or bringing a potluck snack to the monthly Game Night.
  • Cleaning up after the coffee hour. Once coffee hour is winding down, offer to help.
  • Purchasing or preparing food for our bimonthly meals for an LGBTQ+ shelter. Reimbursement is available. We also need drivers to deliver food to San Jose on a Sunday afternoon. Contact social.justice@uufs.org.
  • Making visitors feel welcome by shepherding them to our coffee hour. Let the Welcome Table folks know that you would like to do this, and sit in one of the rear pews.

Finally, read our monthly Newsletter to see if there is an opportunity to volunteer that speaks to you.