This month I’m going to be taking a break on my political and social opinion pieces. We all know what state the US is in right now and to be frankly honest I’m taking a hiatus. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s not that I don’t want to fight, it’s that I don’t want to listen to our mainstream news and social media giving that man any more airtime.
Let’s think about the future. What do we want to see for our fellowship for the future? A robust religious education program that partners with and shares amazing resources with all UU fellowships in the area? A powerful and enticing music program that includes a professional music director and choir leader? A strong adult programming block that allows us to engage one another on a spiritual and philosophical plane, all while still having fun and being part of community?
I know that even as of last year, we had several moments where we were asked these questions, or asked the ever so appropriate yet vague question “What would we like to see for the future of our community?” This is our opportunity to put our money where our mouth is!
UU churches are on a trajectory that could see us gain hundreds of new members in the next coming years. We will not be able to support that if we don’t have enticing programs in place! Caveat: I would never encourage anyone to give more than they could. Give what you can be comfortable with, can live without, and would love to see in action.