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The Reverend Johnnie Bloom-Ramirez

Rev. Johnnie(he/they) was born and raised in Southern California, in the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys. He holds a BA in Organizational Management and graduated from Meadville Lombard with a Master of Divinity. During the pandemic he completed a Chaplain Residency at University of California, San Francisco Medical Center and co-led a covenanting community completely online. Until recently, Rev. Johnnie continued to serve UCSF as per diem chaplain. He is married to Rene, and they have an adult son Geordyn. A total history nerd, he builds historical garments, and he also runs a nonprofit historical reenactment company in his spare time. He works as a flight attendant with United Airlines, offering “chaplaincy in the sky.”

Statement from Rev. Johnnie

I am incredibly excited and honored to be serving the UUFS community and looking forward to an engaging year with you all. I am passionate about Unitarian Universalism, and hope to share that passion with you, helping us grow and develop into the church community we can all be proud of!

Religious Education

Colleen Hamilton, Director of Religious Education

A lifelong educator, Dr. Hamilton has taught students of many ages in many different contexts. After completing a PhD in English, she taught literature and composition at a number of colleges and universities throughout the country. While raising her two children, she worked as a contract editor and writer. Creating and managing a student-run environmental stewardship program at her children’s elementary school turned her toward youth programs and inspired her to get a Master’s degree in Education at San Jose State University. She has been a Unitarian Universalist director of religious education for two years and a UU congregant for fifteen.

Statement from Colleen

Having taught many topics in many settings, I feel called now to work as a UU religious educator. For me, UU religious education means creating structures that empower children and youth to take a role in their communities, guided by UU principles and informed by UU tradition, and setting an example of such a community in cooperation with UU adults. I look forward to taking on this charge at UUFS.

Leah Simmons, Lead RE Teacher and Office Manager

Leah grew up in Sunnyvale and started going to UUFS early in her high school years. She became interested in working with children and began volunteering in the Fellowship’s Religious Education program. She has continued to enjoy working with our RE children as she works towards her Bachelor’s Degree in Childcare Education.


Libby Kardontchik, Pianist

Libby Kardontchik graduated from the Moscow Academic Musical College affiliated with the Moscow Tchaikovsky Conservatory and earned her MA at the Moscow State Musical Pedagogical Institute. Libby is staff accompanist at both Stanford University and at the Alonzo King Lines Ballet of San Francisco. She is a member of the National Association of American Composers, San Francisco Chapter (NACUSA SF), and appears frequently at NACUSA performing the latest works of its composers. She is also a member of the Two Piano Club of Palo Alto and appears in the role of harpsichord player with the Peralta Consort Early Music ensemble.

Statement from Libby

I am thrilled to be a part of a great UUFS Congregation, to work with Johnnie and Alan, to play every Sunday morning and to have a host of wonderful new friends.