Annual Seder

Shephard Hall

Our Religious Education team is hosting a Seder for all UUFS members, friends, and guests. As is traditional, the Passover service will be wrapped around the Passover meal. The service generally follows Reform Jewish conventions (it’s in English, for example), but we use a prayer book, written by and for Unitarian Universalists, which emphasizes Passover […]

Game Night Potluck

Shephard Hall

Join us for games, food, and fellowship! Richard New will host and will be bringing a collection of fun and challenging games for all occasions. Feel free to bring your own favorites as well. There will be a potluck dinner to keep everyone’s energy up, so bring a dish to share if you can. We […]

Annual Seder

Shephard Hall

Our Religious Education team is hosting a Seder for all UUFS members, friends, and guests. As is traditional, the Passover service will be wrapped around the Passover meal. The service generally follows Reform Jewish conventions (it’s in English, for example), but we use a prayer book, written by and for Unitarian Universalists, which emphasizes Passover […]

Rummage Sale Item Drop-Off

Shephard Hall

Volunteers needed to help unload cars, sort and price items, set-out signs, and generally prepare us for an early morning start! Help is appreciated in any increments of time.